We join AMPP: Association for Materials Protection and Performance to celebrate International Women in Engineering Day (INWED)– an annual global tribute to the contributions of women in the engineering field.
Our Acuity corrosion team includes Rebecca Marshall, Victoria Avance, and Lauren Askew– three exceptional women who leverage their training, know-how, and passion to take on some of the most challenging issues in the corrosion field. Together with our entire Acuity team, they are developing tools and strategies to tackle corrosion head-on by understanding, measuring, and managing its risks.
We are proud to hold Rebecca, Vic, and Lauren up to young engineers everywhere as role models for identifying issues, evaluating options, and creating solutions.

Vic’s work focuses on designing and conducting tests that leverage Acuity measurements to inform corrosion models and develop new capabilities. She leads efforts that leverage the electrochemical techniques utilized by the Acuity to expand Luna Labs’ corrosion measurement capabilities.
Vic received an MS in Materials Science and a BS in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. Part of her studies included initial physical and optical testing to predict potential wear issues for metals acting as fluidized bed heat exchangerte

Rebecca leads the development of modeling software for predicting the degradation of aerospace structures for specific usage environments. This work has resulted in finite element method and machine learning software tools to predict atmospheric galvanic corrosion which have been delivered to the Air Force and Navy to enhance asset design and sustainment. In addition, a free web-based application for galvanic compatibility was developed to help inform the corrosion community, and increase awareness of the accelerated corrosion rates induced by galvanic couples.
Rebecca received her PhD and MMSE in Material Science and Engineering from the University of Virginia, and her BS in Physics from Longwood University. Her graduate school research focused on the measurement and modeling of galvanic corrosion in complex multi-material structures during thin film and immersed conditions. Rebecca has been a member of AMPP for six years.

At Luna Labs, Lauren works on analyzing data to improve corrosion prediction models and performing experiments utilizing the corrosion monitoring capabilities of Acuity products. This has allowed her to help in the development of new products that can perform other tests relevant to corrosion.
Lauren recently graduated from the University of Virginia with a BS in Materials Science where she worked in the Multifunctional Thin Film Group measuring the electric behavior of materials and analyzing material characterization and property data.

Contact our corrosion team to discuss our Acuity corrosion solutions and ongoing research initiatives.