Acuity Corrosion Monitoring Products

Enhancing availability, saving costs, and delivering global solutions for corrosion management

How can Acuity transform corrosion management in your organization?

Acuity systems deliver real-time, autonomous monitoring of corrosivity in harsh environments. The systems continuously collect and store measurements of:

For maintainers, our systems monitor structures and subsystems of aircraft, automobiles, ships, or other assets operating in corrosive environments. 

For test and evaluation engineers, Acuity systems accelerate testing time and increase confidence in predicted performance. Our systems operate inside laboratory test chambers, at outdoor exposure sites, and on assets in operation.

Which Acuity System is right for you?

Acuity LS

Acuity ES

Acuity CR

Continuous, Quantitative Measurements

Durable Corrosion Sensor Technology​

Our patented corrosion sensors are several millimeters thick and provide highly-sensitive, long-lasting measurements in harsh environments.

System Selection Chart (2560 × 1230 px) (9)

Two-electrode electrochemical sensors

  1. Dielectric insulating material
  2. Electrode digits (Al, steel, Ti, CFRP, zinc), several millimeters thick
  3. Working electrode leads

L/N  are the excitation signals

How can we help?

Want more detailed information? Contact us for measurement specifications and other Acuity product information.