Acuity CR

Autonomous Corrosion Monitoring in Accelerated Test Chambers and Outdoor Exposure Fixtures

The Acuity CR System enhances corrosion test methods to improve confidence.

For corrosion testing of coatings and materials in accelerated environments, Acuity CR increases confidence when assessing the protective properties of coatings and when determining the corrosion performance of engineering alloys by using sensorized test panels that autonomously record corrosion rates and environment severity.

The systems continuously collect air temperature, relative humidity (RH), surface contaminants, free corrosion of alloys, and galvanic corrosion of different materials.

Now Enhanced by C-DAT

C-DAT Corrosion Data Analysis Tool 

Smart Storage

Rapid Analysis

Seamless Sharing

Powerful Visuals

C-DAT analysis software seamlessly integrates with Acuity CR for
quick analysis, powerful insights, and clear decisions when assessing coatings and performance.

Acuity CR Measurements

Acuity CR Features

Easy Installation

Battery or Line Powered

Access Data in Real Time

Ruggedized for Harsh Test Environments

User-replaceable sensor panels

Option to Determine Coatings Performance


Acuity systems are compliant with the following standards: 

ANSI/NACE TM0416-2023

Test Method for Monitoring Atmospheric Corrosion

ISO 22858: 2020

Corrosion of Metals and Alloys - Electrochemical Measurements - Test Method for Monitoring Atmospheric Corrosion

AMPP TM21449-2021

Continuous Measurements for Determination of Coating Protective Properties


Atmospheric Corrosion Monitoring Information Report

Acuity CR Benefits

Expedite Testing and Qualification

When introducing new coatings into service, accelerate testing times with continuous and quantified measurements of performance

Increase Confidence in Predicted Performance​

Continuously record the environmental conditions that drive corrosion during accelerated and outdoor tests to enhance confidence when interpreting results

Determine Severity Classification

Determine the cumulative severity of any environmental exposure using a common metric

Enhance Understanding of Materials Selection

Galvanic corrosion sensors of user-defined engineering materials provide a direct measure of corrosion performance in the field or during testing (CFRP, Aluminum Alloy, Titanium, Steel, and more)

Isolate factors causing corrosion

Autonomous measurements of corrosion rates paired with environmental sensors to isolate the factors causing corrosion and capture when corrosion damage occurs

Acuity CR Parts

Assembled Device
Docking Platform
Multi-Sensor Panels (MSP)
Temperature Sensor Panel
Battery Module & Charging Cable