Acuity ES

Increase Confidence When Assessing Materials Performance in Corrosion Tests

The Acuity ES System enables materials engineers and coating chemists to track corrosivity in any environment.

For any corrosion test, Acuity ES increases confidence when assessing materials performance by providing a continuous record of corrosivity and environment parameters.

Track Corrosivity in any Environment

Accelerated Tests

Outdoor Exposures




Now Enhanced by C-DAT

Corrosion Data Analysis Tool 

Smart Storage

Rapid Analysis

Seamless Sharing

Powerful Visuals

C-DAT analysis software seamlessly integrates with Acuity ES for
quick analysis, powerful insights, and clear decisions about corrosivity in any environment.

Acuity ES Measurements

Acuity ES Features

Environmental Monitoring

Continuously records environmental conditions driving corrosion

Corrosivity Tracking

Corrosivity tracking by monitoring salt deposition on the surface

Low Cost

Low cost for widespread monitoring of corrosion testing

Compact and Lightweight


Durable sensor element with no consumable component allows for repeated reuse in testing

Customer systems integration

Option to integrate into customer data management or networked systems


Acuity systems are compliant with the following standards: 

ANSI/NACE TM0416-2023

Test Method for Monitoring Atmospheric Corrosion

ISO 22858: 2020

Corrosion of metals and alloys - Electrochemical measurements - Test method for monitoring atmospheric corrosion

AMPP TM21449-2021

Continuous Measurements for Determination of Coating Protective Properties


Atmospheric Corrosion Monitoring Information Report

Acuity ES System Benefits

For Maintenance Programs

Optimize inspection intervals

Detect unexpected corrosive conditions

Track Effects of Operations

For Materials & Processes

Monitor all Test Environments

Quantify test severity

Increase Confidence in Materials Selection

Acuity ES Parts

Assembled Device
ES Base
ES Sensor Panel (ESP)
ES DAQ Communication Cable